Da Jammies is an American animated musical television series that first aired on August 31, 2016, and currently airs on Netflix created by Aulsondro “Novelist” Hamilton and William “Dolla” Chapman II. From Homelessness, to Bullying, to Self-Awareness, to Obesity, Da Jammies cover some of the issues that the kids of today face. The underlying premise of the show is “unity” and “doing it together”. The series is filled with sing-along melodies with age-appropriate lyrics for the kids.

Da Jammies is executive-produced by Real Husbands of Hollywood Executive Producer Ralph Farquhar along with the creators Aulsondro “Novelist” Hamilton and William “Dolla” Chapman II. The series is directed by Emmy-nominated Tyree Dillihay and Ron Myrick and also features some of today’s urban stars from Darius McCrary to Alisa Reyes, Dani Nicolet, Kurtis Blow, Buddy Lewis, Emcee N.I.C.E., William “Dolla” Chapman II aka D.B.I., Tiny Lister Jr., Kel Mitchell, James Avery. and more… the series features, vibrant, expressive 3D animation and also features groundbreaking music, choreography and fashion never before seen in an animated TV series.