Following the lives of men who make their living working along the Mississippi River.
Its nicknames include “Big Muddy” and “Old Blue,” but whatever you call it, it’s probably the most famous river in the U.S. It’s the Mississippi, and it controls the fates of many people whose existence depends on the river. This series profiles several men — each with his own goal — who work on the waterway on which, they quickly learn, there are no rules and once they think they have the “Mighty Miss” figured out, it throws more surprises at them. Tugboat captain Bryant is a third-generation son of the river looking to make a name for himself in the family business, commercial fishermen Gary and Eddie are looking to open their own seafood business, and nonagenarian treasure hunter Ike — who has been traveling up and down the Mississippi for six decades — is on a quest to find artifacts from the War of 1812.